Friday, April 20, 2012

Broom Groom Product Review

"'Broom Groom' Product - A Sweeping Improvement in Dustpans"
Everyone hates the nasty, icky dust balls that crust onto the ends of brooms. It's just not right. Well let's make it right with Quirky's Broom Groom product! Let's add one simple function to the dustpan and boom - we have lift off! (Literally)

Broom Groom has a great design but does it have great appeal? The aesthetics are fine - I'm not talking about that - I'm talking about the quality of the product - the resources used. Personally, I like those wicker brooms - they seem to be more sturdy and last longer. The plastic, bristley brooms are normally cheap & fall apart easily. Maybe add a new Broom Groom design using wicker broom & metal dustpan? I think that would solve a lot of the issues that face this product. (Don't make the quality of this product cheap) 

Sure $11.99 fits this product: it's cheap. Let's get a real broom & dustpan on the market and see how well it does. Sell a wicker broom with the metal pan at $24.99 or even $29.99 and then you have a product! Don't get me wrong the design is fabulous, let's just work on the materials.

Broom Groom is a great product, honestly. If you hate working around dustballs, well, buy this and shake em off! Don't get crusty and old with your broom, upgrade & feel new & clean!

1 comment:

  1. wish I could find another one of these! Anyone have one sitting in a closet or a box in the corner somewhere?
