Friday, May 4, 2012

Broom Groomer Mini Product Review

"'Broom Groomer Mini' Product"
Another broom groomer.Oh man. Good or bad idea? So far Bill Ward has been paid out like $35.00 - hahaha, probably not the best idea. Maybe some retailer is going to buy up a bunch, who knows.

Like I mentioned before, Broom Groom has a fabulous design. Broom Groomer Mini also has a fabulous design. But the materials used to make these suck! The bristles will fall apart and the plastic is ho-hum. Also, a mini? Who needs a mini? I don't know - I personally think money could have been spent elsewhere...

$9.99 - almost the same price as the Broom Groom. Hmm...

Broom Groomer Mini - what to say? I'm at a loss for words.